

The Good Side of Evil (Mini-Book)




In a recent Gallup poll, statistics suggested that a large number of Americans don’t believe the devil exists. Nearly 60 percent of Christians in America view the devil as only a symbol of evil. Christian researcher and pollster [George Barna] said 93 percent of Americans believe in God, unfortunately, 53 percent also believe “That all people pray to the same God or spirit, no matter what name they use for that spiritual being.”

In this teaching composition, The Good Side Of Evil, Dr. Mike explores the nature of evil in religious and psychological terms and looks at an exploding force called, ‘The Emerging Church.’ This group find themselves increasingly uncomfortable with the current church structure. They started questioning their assumptions about the Bible itself – discovering the Bible as a human interest piece of work rather than a collection of writings inspired by God, but written by Holy men who were moved by the Holy Ghost.


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