
Dr. Mike Jones

Q: What’s the significance of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrth the Wise Men gave Jesus?

 Q: Dr. Mike, we hear about the gifts brought to Jesus, but we need to know their significance. Why did the “Wise Men” bring Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh to the Baby Jesus? [Matthew 2] And lastly, we’re beginning to hear more on TV about Revelation: during your annual list of seminars, Revelation is usually included, will you teach it this year? Thanks!

A: As always, thanks for the series of questions: and this one is a good question to start the year of 2017 off. “Historians and theologians believe the three wise man presented Jesus with God, Frankincense, and Myrrh because these were traditional gifts to give a king or deity.  The Three Wise Men also may have given these gifts because of their underlying symbolic significance.”

Gold has always been considered the most precious of metals, as well as the worldwide symbol of material value and wealth.  And though the Word of God does exact us as to the significance of the three gifts, the magii presented to the Christ Child from traditions, we can draw conclusions of their significance.  Gold symbolizes divinity, and was used extensively in the construction of the Temple, as stated in 1 Kings Chapters 6, 7, and 9.  The Ark of the Covenant was overlaid with Gold (Exodus 25).  In Matthew, Jesus is constantly presented to the readers as “King of the Jews,” and “King of Kings,” thus He received a Kings reward.

Frankincense was a costly, aroma smelling incense used only during special occasions.  During worship, it was used as a burnt offering worship to God, as expressed in Exodus 30 and Leviticus 15 and 16.  Origen, one of the early church fathers, had suggested that Frankincense was the incense of deity in the Old Testament.  It represented holiness and righteousness:  and by offering this fragrance to the Christ Child was symbolic of His willingness to become the living sacrifice, that the righteous God demanded, as the atonement for sin.

Myrrh is also a fragrance, but not as costly as Frankincense.  Some suggest that this spice represented Jesus in His humanity.  It was used in embalming, as well as mingled with win to formulate an anesthetic, as recorded by Mark 15.  Jesus paid the ultimate price for mankind by dying on Calvary’s Cross, for the sin of mankind.  And we see in scripture how myrrh symbolizes suffering; and on the cross, they gave Him “gall” (Matthew 27).  They also mixed it with other spices in preparation of burial of the body of Jesus (John 19:39).

Thus, the magi gave the Christ Child Gold for His royalty, Frankincense for His deity, and Myrrh for His humanity.

[Now] concerning your Book of Revelation question: It’s good for churches to start the year off with a couple of my ‘Warfare’ seminars, such as, Spiritual Warfare: Engaging The Enemy; Evangelism: Winning The Lost At Any Cost; Understanding And Operating Your Spiritual Gifts; and Functional vs. Dysfunctional Families: How the Family System Works. We will see the interest for Understanding The Book Of Revelation: And Current Day Events. However, I do intend to start this year off with another series of Q&As about the Book of Revelation – and we will go from there.

Thank you for these relevant questions.


Comments (1)
  • January 14, 2017
    Shirley Gray

    Hi Dr. Mike! You stated that you, “intend to start this year off with another series of Q&As about the Book of Revelation.” I sure hope you intend to included these Q&As in Spiritual Nuggets.

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