
Dr. Mike Jones


By: Dr. Mike Jones
Statistically, there’s a great need for a father’s love in the earth realm. For example, 64% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes; 90% of all homeless and run-away children are from fatherless homes; 80% of rapists with displaced anger comes from fatherless homes; and the list goes on-and-on. The glorious [LOVE] attributes of God the Father is the perfect example of what we as Christian fathers should be imitating.

Dr. Paul Vitz, who is a renowned Professor Emeritus of Psychology at New York University wrote a book, “Faith of the Fatherless.” In his book, he said, How we view our earthly fathers directly affects how we view our heavenly Father.” He studied the childhoods of 13 of the most famous atheists. His conclusions are stunning: in EVERY case, the atheist’s father died, or abused or abandoned the child.
In the story of the Prodical Son, found in St. Luke Chapter 15, the Word of God says, “My son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” In this [word picture] story, Jesus gives us a vivid picture of what our Father [God] is really like.

He points out four ‘TRUTHS’ about God the Father:
1) God Really Loves Us, as expressed in verse 20.
2) God Receives Us, as expressed in verse 20.
3) God Restores Us, as expressed in verse 22.
4) God Rejoices Over Us, as expressed in verse 22.

Jesus also used this parable to show us two additional things:
Our ‘STATE” with the Father and our “STANDING” with the Father. Our ‘Standing’ with the Father will always be one of open arms to compassionately welcome us back home when we stray, because of forgiveness in Christ for us. Our ‘State’ with the Father can sometimes fluctuate, because of our shortcomings with our brothers/sisters; but, once we recognize these shortcomings and repent, it puts our ‘State’ back in fellowship with God the Father.

Excerpt taken from the teaching, A FATHER’S LOVE!