
Dr. Mike Jones

Q: Are Christians Commanded not to Judge Others as Stated in Matthew 7:1?

A: First, let’s tackle the subject matter of judging, since people ask this question a lot because they want to be merciful in their judgement.  They often time quote Matthew 7:1 “Do not judge so that you will not be judged.”

People are quick to bring up this passage, to suggest that Christians should never criticize anyone for anything.  Christendom knows that society at-large hates theological and moral absolutes because they expose societal sins:  and if a believer attempts to address an obvious sin in a person’s life, they are immediately branded a ‘hatemonger’ and called intolerant-so the believer generally will back down.

Religious people (who say, “They are Christians,” but are not, based on their conduct, which many times opposes sacred scripture) prefer to use the term “All-Inclusive “love of God.” to justify their lifestyle, their self-righteous standards.

I remembered watching a Barbara Walters Special whereby she was interviewing a renowned POP artist, who constantly pushed the envelope with her sexuality.  At the end of the interview, Barbara asked her how does she justify her on-stage sexuality, and called herself a ‘devout Christian’?  Her response was, “Don’t judge me:  I dress this way because I’m an entertainer first.”

Biblically and theologically, true Christian’s have every right to judge between God’s true holiness and unrighteousness.  What Jesus was making reference to in Matthew 7:1 is judging someone without knowing their true motives.  The Word of God consistently forbids Christians to draw hastily conclusions or judgements about someone else without having full knowledge/intent of the person’s heart or all the facts. (“He who gives an answer before he hears, it is folly and shame to him.” Proverbs 18:13) Why, because the consequences of our actions can be catastrophic.

We see throughout the word of God, that even God [Himself] who is omniscient, evaluates situations before sending judgments.

In conclusion, Matthew 7:1 doesn’t mean that we’re not to evaluate people, it means we’re not to be one that renders final judgment, acting as though we’re God.  Only God’s judgment is final because only He is perfect.