
Dr. Mike Jones

Q: They Say That “All Religions Lead To The Same God”; How Do We Show People That Our Christian God Is Different?

Q: From TV celebrities to religious groups, they all say that “All Religions lead to the same God: How do we show people that our Christian God is different?

A: Without sounding disrespectful to other world religions or their belief systems, but the one unique characteristic that our God possess’ over all other gods, is that He EXISTS: meaning all other gods have a beginning, and our God has no beginning, nor end. World religions hate the uniqueness of the Christian doctrine because it offers an atonement to the people that grants them SALVATION. No other religion offers a major atonement for the sins of its followers. Because they don’t see a need for one; because they don’t view their god as having a characteristic called “HOLINESS.” They see their god as being higher or greater than their subjects, with no need of perfection from the people. The Christian God, who took on the form of man, came, died, was buried, then–resurrected, demands holiness from those He grants salvation.