
Dr. Mike Jones

Q: I would like your opinion on, what does the Word “ALL” make reference to in Matthew 17:11 and Acts 3:21?

Q: I would like your opinion on, what does the Word “ALL” make reference to in Matthew 17:11 and Acts 3:21? I have heard some noted Bible teachers say that Jesus will not return until everything is restored back to the glory it had in the Garden of Eden.

A: Without writing a dissertation: I’ll answer briefly by saying that Matthew 17:11 makes reference to Malachi Chapter 4:5, about Elijah must come [first] to restore ‘all’ things: In essence, they missed interpreted the verse to mean that the physical appearing of Elijah would take place, when it was stated in the gospels, that John the Baptist would come in the ‘spirit of Elijah’ to turn the hearts of the people, back to God. And he did by preaching ‘Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand!” We know that he was the forerunner of the Messiah. The fulfillment of the verse is mentioned in Acts 3:21, (Restoring All Things) makes reference to the millennial Kingdom: Christ being sent from God to bring those (so-called all things) which includes “Times of Refreshing,” and is equal to ALL KINDS OF BLESSINGS AND RENEWALS, that were intended by the Father in the original creation of man, before the fall! After the millennial reign of Christ, then the Great White Throne Judgment, then “ALL” THINGS WILL BE MADE NEW AGAIN!