
Dr. Mike Jones

Q: Millennials are attending our services; help us explain ‘Spiritual Gifts’, and when will you conduct the seminar again, whereby you administered the ‘Gifting’ Test?

A:Biblically, when I hear the term ‘Spiritual Gifts’, I automatically think of it, as a, special anointing placed on every born again Believer by the Holy Spirit, to accomplish a given ministry that God has ordained in their life. [What a humbling honor, when a Believer discovers, that it is the “Grace of God” to use the Body of Christ, through Spiritual Gifts, to accomplish His mission in the earth.]

Spiritual gifts are not for the personal benefit or selfish gain. Rather, they are for the benefit of the Body of Christ. Therefore, when properly used, these gifts will contribute to the overall benefit and growth of the local church, by preparing God’s people for work of service, so that the Body of Christ may be built up (Ephesians 4:12) and by the gift(s) a person has received and used to serve others (1 Peter 4:10).

As millennials become rooted and grounded in our churches, as leaders, it is our responsibility to help them to understand, that knowing which gift, is being manifested, is not of utmost importance. Using their gift is. Knowing their gifting, however, helps them to be able to develop that gift better; and it helps them avoid the pitfalls that a person can fall into. As they grow in God’s grace, through the development of their gift, they can assist other millennials,  that are coming behind them, into ministry work, with that particular gifting.

I conducted that seminar [Understanding & Operating Your Spiritual Gifts], and administered the ‘Gifting Test’ immediately afterwards, as part of Logos University’s Leadership Training Certificate Program, that was held a couple of years ago, and attended by a number of individuals, from surrounding ministries. [As you stated, with the influx of new church members across the DMV, we will revisit the possibility of conducting this seminar again soon, and consider having your family and friends join us, as we host a number of the 17 seminars, on the list @ for ministries, throughout the region.]