
Dr. Mike Jones


By: Dr. Mike Jones

CHRIST [our Lord] left us seven sayings before He died on the Cross. With these seven last words of JESUS, we can follow His example of dying so that we may live, pleasing GOD, our Father in Heaven.

The FIRST saying of JESUS was, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34) JESUS forgave those who rejected Him, who insulted Him, who did not believe Him (despite the miracles He did which verified Him as GOD the Son), who plotted His death, spat on Him, pulled out His beard, beat Him to point He was unrecognizable, hammered nails in His hands and feet…He forgave them ALL – and still forgives all NOW! And as followers of CHRIST, we must also forgive all who have personally hurt us, regardless of how small or great the pain. Peter said — 70 x 7.

The SECOND saying of JESUS was, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:43) Even in His unbearable agony, JESUS kept true to His mission — to save the lost. The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10) The 2 thieves deserved punishment/death for their crimes: and even in their mockery, He reached out and saved one of them, after he cried out to Christ. Those who belong to CHRIST, must also be zealous about reaching the lost — no matter if rejected, mocked, or even persecuted.

The THIRD saying of JESUS were the words, “Woman, behold your son!” “Behold your mother!” (John 19:26, 27) In His physical agony, JESUS looked beyond His own physical suffering and showed compassion for someone else – His mother Mary. He didn’t want His own unbelieving half-brothers and sisters to care for her, so He gave the responsibility of taking care of His widowed mother to John, the apostle whom JESUS loved. [Simply put: There may be someone going through worst trials and life challenges than YOU!]

The FOURTH saying of JESUS was, “My GOD, My GOD, why have You forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46) At this point, He was carrying the SINS of ALL mankind [past-present-future] – separated from His Father whom He loved and whom loved Him. Gross darkness covered the earth: He felt all alone! [Simply put: Sin could do what nothing else in the universe could. And that was to separate the Father from the Son. GOD’s abandonment of JESUS teaches us that our sin separates us from intimate fellowship with Him.

The FIFTH saying of JESUS was, “I am thirsty.” (John 19:28) JESUS expressed His humanity… His need for someone to give Him a drink. This saying of CHRIST teaches us that we too must live dependently… humbly showing our human weaknesses, and the need to accept help from others.

The SIXTH saying of JESUS was, “It is finished.” (John 19:30) Picture Jesus saying … WHEWWWW! The mission the Father had sent ME to do is completed! [Simply put: We are here on the earth to finish the work GOD has purposed for us to do through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

The SEVENTH and last saying of JESUS was, “Father, into Thy hands I commit My spirit.” (Luke 23:46) JESUS, even at the point of death, continued to trust the Father, depending on His promise of resurrection. And that’s how we must also live — trusting our Father for everything, casting all our cares on Him — even our death… and resurrection!

Comments (2)
  • March 26, 2018
    Reggi Jones


  • March 26, 2018
    Celeste Butler

    Thank You for sharing …..:

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