
Dr. Mike Jones


The minor prophet Haggai quoted this phrase in chapter 1 verse five. He said, “Consider your ways?” Modern day, with all that’s going on in our inner circle as well as across the Pond, this phrase means, reflect seriously open your affairs, whether they are consistent with the reason of things that are happening around you. God is saying, “Set your heart upon your ways, in relationship to what you had been doing, what you are doing, and where those things are leading to.”

Saints, each year, our love for the Lord, His church and Body of Believers, should challenge us to, ‘Consider our ways,’ in terms of what we have accomplished for our Lord in 2021, as we make plans and goals, and to live 2022 with biblical diligence for the blessings the Lord has in store for us, in the midst of the pandemic, while we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, knowing that it will not overtake us, because greater is He that is within us than he that is in the world.

We all know that the beginning of a new year is always an appropriate time in our lives to STOP, LOOK AROUND, and get our bearings. In other words, it’s an excellent time to, “Consider our ways.” And one of the best ways to do that, is to, prayerfully ask yourself a few questions going into the new year.

  • In the midst of the pandemic in 2021, was I a good investment for God last year?

I’m serious!  Remember YOU were a ‘LOVE Gift’ to Jesus from the Father: You served in the Kingdom of God last year – what contribution did YOU make, other than just being a son or daughter, while avoiding the Covid-19 pandemic?

Revelation 5:9-10 says, “And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.”

You were purchased by Jesus for a purpose beyond your personal, eternal salvation. You and I are an investment of sorts and as such have a mission from God.  So, how are you doing? What grade would YOU give yourself for what YOU contributed to the Kingdom, last year?

After we’ve pondered that thought, then we should turn our hearts to: what in our lives this year needs to be addressed.  It’s always been the practice of wise, spiritually vibrant Christians to live what’s been called, an examined life. A family counselor once said “If nothing changes – nothing changes.” Simply put: If I don’t have a plan to think and act differently, it’s highly unlikely that my life, relationships, and even my effectiveness for the kingdom, will ever improve.  Let’s start off 2022 by first examining ourselves in terms of making some early decisions on how we will influence people inside and outside of the Kingdom of God.

  • What am I doing now, that I can do more of to enjoy my relationship with my heavenly Father?

Double up on your Bible study time and include some ‘MEDITATION’ on the Scriptures that you’ve read, to get a better understanding of their application to life.

  • Covid-19 has changed a few things about my family life; what can I do to improve family relationships?

Covid-19 has caused more divorces, alcoholism, drug additions, family separations, arguments, etc. Commit to spending more quality time together, talking through the difficult times that occurred last year, and spend time, studying/reading the Bible together, praying, etc. Get away from social media, TV, and video gaming.

  • What single thing can I plan to do this year, that will have a life-time effect on someone’s life?

I can be more faithful to my church, regardless of Covid-19. I can serve more, give more, and pray more. I can commit to witnessing to at least one soul per month for a year.

  • Looking back over the time I invest in personal Bible reading and prayer time, would God conclude I was serious about deepening my relationship with him?
  • Looking back over Hebrews 12, what are the ‘weights’ in my life? (“pet” sins, addictions, bad habits or distractions that are holding me back from being truly sold out to Jesus. If you’re married, ask yourself the question: Does my husband/wife feel cherished, respected and loved by me? And if you’re single: ask yourself, Do the people that I’m surrounded by feel loved by me.
  • Do my children respect me and are they growing more spiritual because of me? If they’re youth, living under Your roof, don’t let them decide whether or not they want go to church. It’s mandatory!
  • Who is the most difficult person in my life right now? What have I done to reconcile that relationship and have I forgiven that person.
  • Whose life have I made better by my direct involvement in theirs? Remember, the world don’t want to get too involved in the affairs of their neighbor(s) – certainly during this pandemic.

Each one of us need to evaluate how we answered each of the questions, and if need be, confess our failures to the Lord and commit ourselves to live more purposefully and obediently, in 2022.