
June 2020

Previous church data, before COVID-19, has shown that church attendance was on the decline: we’re speaking in terms of foot traffic in and out of the physical church building. Nona Jones, author of From Social Media to Social Ministry: A Guide to Digital Discipleship, stated, “With every technological innovation, church leaders have braced themselves for a mass exodus because technology makes access to information easier.” Her point is well taken: Pastors are prayerfully concerned that, if too many members, stay home,

Q: Can You Share Your Thought(s), as to Whether or not, COVID-19 is a Punishment from God, Concerning the Rampant SIN in the World? A: [Now…that’s a good question!] There’s no doubt about it, that the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted everyone’s live: This norovirus has taken, over 120,000 American lives (more lives lost to the Coronavirus, than the Vietnam (58,200) and Gulf (219) Wars combined). And of late, those in the age group of 18-40, who thought themselves to be invincible, in the