Satan’s Weapons of Mass Distractions
By: Dr. Mike Jones Because of his longevity here on Earth, our arch-enemy is Satan, which means adversary, the one that opposes God, and those that God loves. Saints, he does everything in his power to distract you from becoming a serious student of sacred Scripture. He’s the master of distractions, deceptions, and divisions – and will use any and all these weapons that are available at his disposal to get our minds away from worshipping and serving the Lord God. Just
“Some Christians ONLY want enough of God, to say, they’re saved,”
Q: Your statement, “Some Christians only want enough of God, to say, they’re saved,” received good reviews; can you explain it and biblical illiteracy? A: America was once a nation that was immersed in sacred Scripture. As a matter of fact - Christians were known as “People of one book”. Today, noted scholars in various areas of academia speak of America as a “Post-Christian culture, in which agnosticism (a secular worldview) seems to be the prevailing belief system, ahead of