
January 2019

By: Dr. Mike Jones Because of his longevity here on Earth, our arch-enemy is Satan, which means adversary, the one that opposes God, and those that God loves. Saints, he does everything in his power to distract you from becoming a serious student of sacred Scripture. He’s the master of distractions, deceptions, and divisions – and will use any and all these weapons that are available at his disposal to get our minds away from worshipping and serving the Lord God. Just

Q: Your statement, “Some Christians only want enough of God, to say, they’re saved,” received good reviews; can you explain it and biblical illiteracy? A: America was once a nation that was immersed in sacred Scripture. As a matter of fact - Christians were known as “People of one book”. Today, noted scholars in various areas of academia speak of America as a “Post-Christian culture, in which agnosticism (a secular worldview) seems to be the prevailing belief system, ahead of