Q: We’ve read some of the comments from the previous article on having a ‘Deceitful Heart.’ How should a Christian deal with Anger?
A: Ephesians 4:26-27 states, “In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.” The short earthly life of Jesus, in Scripture, has shown us that being angry, in itself, is not evil. Having a Certificate in Christian Counseling, I’ve counseled a number of believers, who have come into the sessions, quoting this verse of Scripture from the Apostle Paul, without knowing its true meaning
Q: Biblical ‘TRUTH’ is under assault; are our hearts still deceitfully wicked after we’re Saved?
A: When Christians quote this famous Bible passage, they’re quoting the Prophet Jeremiah 17:9, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” When we look at TV news, on a daily bases, and see the level of wickedness all around us, we normally find ourselves saying [self-consciously], “Man, some people are wicked to their core!” However, we don’t think of that particular person(s) being born-again. Nevertheless, we’ve also seen/heard of situations whereby some have professed Christ, and yet,
Q: “We would like to know, if a sinner can ‘REPENT” in a desperate moment of a crisis, meaning, they’re on their death-bed, and still receive the same salvation as a person, who’s been a Christian most of their earthly life?”
A: I’ve been in many debates over this ‘tricky’ question with many noted Bible colleagues of mine, even during fellowship periods at conferences, because they too have been asked this same question, during Q & A Sessions with their members, family and friends. And to be truthful about this so-called ‘Death-Bed Confession’, true (born again) believers get up and arms, when they hear this question (even) being discussed because, their consensus is always, “We endure to the end; we fight the good