
July 2017

A: [Yes!] Most Bible scholars also believe that at some point Satan inhabited the earth as his dwelling place until God booted him out and put man in his stead, to worship Him. The God man [Adam] was also given the supreme authority to subdue the earth and replenish it. Later, the God man and woman [Eve] committed high treason and gave Satan dominion over the inheritance in which God gave them. We believe Satan’s control over God’s green earth is

Scripture: Turn to the Book of Acts 27:20 – 25 20 The terrible storm raged unabated many days,until at last all hope was gone. 21 No one had eaten for a long time, but finally Paul called the crew together and said, “Men, you should have listened to me in the first place and not left Fair Havens—you would have avoided all this injury and loss! 22 But cheer up! Not one of us will lose our lives, even though the ship will

Q: In Matthew 5:48, Jesus instructs His disciples to, "Be ye perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect;" how is that possible, living in a sin cursed world with a body that has not been redeemed? A: There has been much conversation amongst Christians, that some take this verse literally, to mean that we’re to reach ‘perfectionism’ in every area of our lives, because, that’s what the Holy Spirit demands, and He’s available, here in the earth to assist us