
March 2017

Q: You’ve explained to us the Hermeneutics of Isaiah 53:5, and James 5:14: my follow-up question is, in the case of a terminally ill family member, who should decide when to discontinue life-support?” A: Believe it or not, a majority of the time, this weighty decision is left/put into the hands of the neurosurgeon, whose caring for your loved one, because he’s considered the resident expert, in terms of whether or not your loved one is brain-dead. There’s no straight answer, concerning

Q: I’ve heard you mentioned across the pulpit and in your seminars, that Christians shouldn’t celebrate ‘LENT,’ because it’s not Biblical. Can you share some of your theological knowledge and a few of you spiritual nuggets on this issue? A: The sad state-of-mind, centers around all the misguided people who take the approach, that Lent is coming, and I need to indulge my flesh in all the pleasures of life, before I have to give it up for 40 days. Thus,