
February 2017

Q (3 of 3): [Dr. Mike] Thanks for the informative Q&A about the Rapture of the Church and Christ’s Second Coming. You touched on an important subject to a lot of us: The Tribulation Period. Can you provide Scriptural references to the Body of Christ escaping the Tribulation? A: Like most theologians and Bible scholars, I [too] believe that the Bible clearly teaches in prophesy that the Lord’s Church will be removed before the start of the Tribulation Hours, which

The Carnal Christian “Will The Real Child Of God Please Stand Up!” First, of all, let ME acknowledge that “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God,” as expressed in Romans 3:23: so, I’m not pointing a finger to say who is carnal and who is not; but I'm going to outline some characteristics of what a 'Carnal Christian' looks like. A true believer is one that's sensitive enough to the Spirit that when they do sin, they're quickly to

Question (2 of 3): "What is the difference between the Rapture of the Church and Christ’s Second Coming?" When we hear these two events mentioned in End-Time Studies, we have trouble distinguishing the differences? Thanks. A:  You are correct: a whole lot of misunderstanding comes from people who mean well, but constantly confuse their audience, when explaining the difference between these two phrases – end time events. The thing that I share with congregations when I’m teaching the Book of Revelation as