
November 2016

Q: How should we as Christians respond, when people say, “I’m HAPPY with MY life. Why do I need Jesus?” A: [Now] That question is notorious in the life of any true believer.  We both know of family and friends that would literally give you the shirt off their backs, because they are simply good-hearted people.  However, they’re quick to say, “Things are going well with my family, and I’d like to leave everything in my life, the way it is! 

Q: You sufficiently answered the question, of “Whether I should immediately ‘assure’ someone of their Salvation, after I witness to them;” My follow-up question is, “Are Those Who Never Heard The Gospel Going To Hell?” A: [Thank You!] I find a more pressing issue of getting salvation right, here in America! As I attend funeral services, of loved ones of my extended church families, around the region, I’ve actually left the services wondering about the relationship some of the eulogists have

Q: Hey Dr. Mike, I’ve been enjoying the readings of the Endtime; and want to know your thought on the phrase, “The Trumpet of God.” Is the Bible talking about a literal trumpet sound, or is it referencing the voice of God?” And since I can’t get out to church on a regular basis, I’ve been enjoying Dr. Fred Price and your teachings! A: Hi Ron; thank you from the heart: I will do my best to give you a sound