
February 2016

Q: Dr. Mike, as a Christian, what should be my response to those that I meet who show hostility towards the Gospel? A: Good question, my friend: as believers, we have all experienced it in our early introduction to Christianity; and hostility to the ‘Word of God’ has grown worst. At times, when I’m witnessing to those outside of the “Ark of the Covenant of Grace,” you can literally here the resentment of Holy God in their words, and most of

A: First, let’s tackle the subject matter of judging, since people ask this question a lot because they want to be merciful in their judgement.  They often time quote Matthew 7:1 “Do not judge so that you will not be judged." People are quick to bring up this passage, to suggest that Christians should never criticize anyone for anything.  Christendom knows that society at-large hates theological and moral absolutes because they expose societal sins:  and if a believer attempts to address