
January 2015

Q: Dr. Mike, I’ve been brought up believing that [water] baptism is ‘essential’ to my salvation. Is this statement true? A: Biblically speaking, the answer is emphatically “NO!” Scripture declares through the writings of the Apostles that a person can be saved who has not been baptized. However, scripture also declares that baptism is extremely important and individuals that have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and have become true disciples of Christ, will be baptized. Permit me to

By: Dr. Mike Jones Many people see Christmas as a time to think of the baby Jesus in a manger. And in a humbling manner, there’s nothing wrong with that thought process: but the central truth of the Christmas story is this: God wrapped Himself in human flesh as an infant, in a manger. So, this Christmas, let’s think of the great truths of the Incarnation. It’s remembering the birth of Christ and the mystery of the Incarnation, that’s found in 1