
October 2014

Q: God is SOVEREIGN, how does MY Free Will come into play? A: First, we have to determine, what is meant by the statement, “God is sovereign.” For me, no one answers that question better than the 19th century Bible scholar, A. W. Pink, by his statement, “We mean the supremacy of God, the kingship of God, the god-hood of God. To say that God is Sovereign is to declare that God is God. To say that God is Sovereign is

Q: What are the Biblical grounds for divorce? A: As a Christian friend once said to me, “Dr. Mike, you’re a former Federal Statistical Economist, show me the numbers, because they don’t lie!” The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%; second marriage is 60%; and third marriage is 73%: The divorce rate in the Bible belt is equal to the 50% rate in secular America. As one of my mentors pointed out to me, the grounds for divorcing someone,

Q: Dr. Mike, do YOU believe that God speaks to us [today] in an audible voice?? A: Now that is indeed a ‘good’ question, since I too have heard tele-evangelists say that the Lord has spoken to them audibly: and one noted healing ministry in particular, makes that claim, and it is why noted theologians and Bible scholars take offense when he says it!I honestly, can’t say for sure whether God has or not; but as I spend quality time studying

Q: Dr. Mike, is God concerned with the material well-being of Christians, knowing that He promised us a roof over our heads, food on our tables, and clothes on our backs? A: I will answer this question with an emphatically YES! We could say that He is concerned about the material well-being of the entire world, because of all the natural resources here on earth as part of His creation. And He then created man with material needs. In the New

Q: I've heard some people say that the phrase, “I said, you are gods,” quoted by Jesus in John 10:34, means: that we are “little gods” here in the earth: is this true? A: That is indeed a good question, because I too, have heard it quoted the same way, numerous times, over the years. Upon further observation of the verse, knowing that it contains a greater meaning than what we read on the surface, you discover that Jesus is quoting