
September 2014

Q: Dr. Mike, people mention miracles for everything, and there are those respected Christian leaders that say very little about them: What is your theological view? A: [Now] that is a really good question: I honestly believe that we don’t hear noted theologians talk much about miracles in operation (today) is because people are drawn to the spectacular, instead of supernatural meaning, the popular definition of a miracle differs 100 percent in our culture, from the Holy Spirit definition of

Q: From TV celebrities to religious groups, they all say that “All Religions lead to the same God: How do we show people that our Christian God is different? A: Without sounding disrespectful to other world religions or their belief systems, but the one unique characteristic that our God possess’ over all other gods, is that He EXISTS: meaning all other gods have a beginning, and our God has no beginning, nor end. World religions hate the uniqueness of the Christian

Q: I love The Lord And Don’t Want My Personal Christian Growth To Ever Become Stagnated. How Can I Avoid Stagnation? A:   I’ll start by repeating what one of my mentors said, when asked the same identical question. He said, “There’s one, one absolute way to prevent our Christian growth from stagnation, and that’s to DIE!” Trust me when I say, it’s the only time Christian growth stops for a believer: because at that point we don’t need to grow anymore,

Q: I have seen a few Christians standing in the lottery lines and on occasion gamble: what is the biblical position on these activities? A: When weak, feeble-minded Christians open their mouth and say, “Well the Bible doesn’t really say …!” I immediately say, “Don’t go there!” I have to admit that the Word of God doesn’t explicitly say, “Thou shalt NOT gamble nor play the lottery!” However, the true Christian church has held firmly to the biblical principles that Christians

Q: I would like your opinion on, what does the Word "ALL" make reference to in Matthew 17:11 and Acts 3:21? I have heard some noted Bible teachers say that Jesus will not return until everything is restored back to the glory it had in the Garden of Eden. A: Without writing a dissertation: I'll answer briefly by saying that Matthew 17:11 makes reference to Malachi Chapter 4:5, about Elijah must come [first] to restore 'all' things: In essence, they missed

Q: If God is sovereign, and I believe that He is, then, why do we have to pray, knowing that it’s not going to change the mind of God? A: As you so graciously stated, our sovereign God not only invites us but commands us to pray. Why? Because prayer is our Christian duty, and as we develop our prayer life, we change and we come more in line with what God’s Will is for our lives, thus becoming better prayer