
August 2014

Q: I’m a young Christian; and my question is, “How much Power does Satan have?” A: The thing to remember is that ONLY GOD is "OMNI" (ALL in ALL). As one Christian teacher so eloquently stated, "The basic Christian theology centers around the proposition that there is "one Almighty" omnipotent; omniscient, omnipresent, omni-benevolent "God" (embodied in Jesus), and one less-powerful, less-knowing, less-present, all-evil devil-god named "Satan." A host of "angels," "demons," "spirits," and other supposedly immaterial entities of varying superhuman but less-than-supreme power

Q: Can you share what does the Bible say about Demons? A: The Bible doesn't start out talking about demons, but it introduces us to the Chief Prince of Demons - SATAN, himself. We are introduced to Lucifer (now SATAN) - the angel in perfect beauty, the son of the morning, the one that led one-third of the angelic host against God Almighty in rebellion. This is the beginning of demonic activity for demons, followers of Satan. Satan is exposed in Isaiah

Q: Can you shed a little light on this question for my family? Can someone curse a born again believer or put a curse on them without their knowledge and make it stick? A: It’s interesting that this question has come up, recently, based on emails and phone calls that I’ve received. Without being lengthy in my response, I’ll simplify the answer by stating, the Bible tells us in Proverbs 26:2, “That like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved

Q: I have seen friends of mine who are believers, influenced by spirits in their bodies, in terms of sickness, and some in their minds and emotions. Can a Christian be Demon possessed? A: Emphatically NO! For a true believer to be demon possessed, it means an evil spirit has completely taken over the individual - spirit, soul, and body. The main reason this is virtually impossible is because, when a person is truly born again, the Spirit of the living

Q: Dr. Mike; can you explain to my Bible study group what the Bible means in Isaiah 53:5, when it says, “By His stripes, we are healed,” and does it mean physical healing, since we hear so many ministers use it that way? A: Praise the Lord to you and your Bible study friends! That is indeed a good question, and the debate from various denominations over this verse, rages on. I’ve given it a serious theological overview, in relationship, to