
June 2014

By: Dr. Mike Jones Down through the annals of time when God’s people sought relief from the problems of life, they would immediately turn to the Psalms, because they reflect the experiences of men and women in the life of faith. And Psalms has been crowned the most loved of all books of the Old Testament. Psalm 77 is about Asaph [King David’s music director] who faced the exact same problems that many of us are facing today. Each of us can think

By: Dr. Mike Jones The Apostle Paul said in his Epistle of Timothy (4:13), that, "We are to give attention to reading God's Word, to the exhortation of God's Word, and to the teaching of God's Word."These things are to be our constant practice throughout the duration of our lives. "Reading refers to public reading of scripture in the church's worship service, followed by the explanation of the passage that was just read. "Exhortation" challenges those who hear the Word to apply it

By: Dr. Mike Jones   Saints, God in His all-knowing wisdom knows all that we go through in this sin-cursed world: He knows that life will throw us curves, during various battles, but we have to endure to the END! The Word of God declares in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” Notice, the passage didn’t say, “for everything, give thanks: But in everything, we’re to give thanks!” Why? The Apostle

By: Dr. Mike Jones Ephesians 5:21 says, “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ…”  If we correctly understand Godly submission, then we can influence and transform every relationship in our lives.  Let’s look at five things we must do in order to submit to one another. 1. Bare Each Other’s Burdens Burdens can be manifested from various areas of our lives, such as sins, failures, anxieties, and even temptations. Galatians 6:1-2 says that, if a brother [or sister] is caught in