
October 2013

By: Dr. Mike Jones Experts point out that every communication is really eight communications: what you mean to say, what you actually say, what the other person hears, what he thinks he hears, what he means to respond, what he actually responds, what you hear him say, and what you think you hear. Studies show that on average, people only recall about 50% of what they heard immediately after hearing it. After two days, people only recall approximately 25%.  Too often, even

By: Dr. Mike Jones How many times have we heard our family and friends say, “I’m glad you’re not God!”  Because they know the person they’re talking too, if given the chance would do them in. Thank God that we know Him as the God of a second chance– That He didn’t give up on us, but everytime they we failed, He helped us up, brushed us off, and told us (after we repented) get back in the race and finish your

By: Dr. Mike Jones Technically speaking, it’s one of the Fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22. It simply means to display PATIENCE and to ENDURE hardships - whether physical or emotional. That’s why the correspondent Gift of the Spirit is HEALING. Long suffering is a sign of Spiritual Maturity (You’re NOT running out of patience). The Apostle Paul stated in 2Thessalonians 1:4 - So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith

By: Dr. Mike Jones I. Introduction Every year when October rolls around the signs of Halloween candy, Halloween costumes, Halloween party favors, Halloween greeting cards, Halloween decorations, scary soundtracks and lighting effects, ghoulish make-up, pumpkins, bundled corn stalks and other paraphernalia Halloween is an American tradition that grows in importance every year, despite cruel incidents in the past.  And this celebration is not just observed in the United States: in Ireland, Scotland, Canada, and the Philippines October 31st is Halloween; in England, November

By: Dr. Mike Jones I hear people who aren’t believers say, “Dr. Mike, I just wanna be HAPPY!” And when a Believer says, “I wanna be HAPPY!” They are talking about two different things – well, they should be! For Believers, Jesus' first recorded sermon in the Bible is what makes God the Father Happy and it should be our push to do those things here on Earth that brings US JOY that He’s pleased, Amen! And keep in mind that

By: Dr. Mike Jones When I chat with members of the Body of Christ, I usually come away with the notion that some of us believe that God is a respecter of persons, because some of us believe that God has favorites. But what does the Word of God say about that? 1.      Everyone in the Kingdom is equally adored/accepted by God       John 1:12 “All He received, gave rights to be called Sons/Daughter 2.      Everyone’s talent/gifts are needed in the Kingdom.       1

By: Dr. Mike Jones There are so many important facts about first-time church visitors. For instance: The average church (excluding the small start-up churches), doesn’t keep statistics on the number of visitors that join them on a typical Sunday for worship, and by the time the church administration add up the  number of guest in one year, they normally average more guest (first-time visitors) than they even gave thought to. Also, it’s a fact that many first-time guest visitors are going through

By: Dr. Mike Jones Well known Pastor and Christian author Max Lucado wrote a book, entitled, Outlive Your Life: Made to Make a Difference. Throughout the book, he talks about how each one of us can make a difference in someone else life, by simply doing a small act of kindness. Below, I've expressed in My own thoughts and words, how today, I will make a difference. Today I will make a difference. I will begin by controlling my thoughts. A

By: Dr. Mike Jones Do YOU know that “Reading a proverb takes only a few seconds; applying a proverb can take a lifetime?” I've attempted to pull some of the rich spiritual nuggets from the first chapter of  the book of Wisdom written by King Solomon. BACKGROUND OF SOLOMON Solomon was born the second son to David and Bathsheba (2 Sam. 12:24) and reigned 40 years as the third king of Israel (1 Ki. 11:41-43). When sought by the Lord for a request, Solomon eagerly asked

By: Dr. Mike Jones God guides His people through basic principles. I've listed a few for us to ponder how we may grasp the importance of each and those that aren't listed, that are bedded in the pages of scripture. Principle #1. Follow what is clearly revealed We must be willing to do his will in those things he has already revealed, if we are to know his will in those things he has not yet made known. God has already made known