
October 2013

By: Dr. Mike Jones In a dysfunctional family system, no one is real, everyone is a pretender when in the midst of others. Family members become disengaged, meaning they don't show a lack of concern or interest in each other's activities or welfare. Some of the characteristics of this family are: high levels of anxiety, confused roles, loneliness, and many times, they live apart from each other. Every person has two parts to SELF - true and false. The true self accepts

By: Dr. Mike Jones Starts off with Heavenly host singing praises. Verse 1 "After these things," what things?-(destruction of Religious and Political Babylon). Singing praise (Tribulation saints probably leading) because evil has run its course. Tribulation Hour over - Christ preparing to return with His saints. Verses 2/3 They continued on praising God because Babylon is no more! 24 Elders and Bride join in praise because they stayed true to God! Verses 4-6 This is possibly an angel cheering them on to continue praising God!! Praise so great, it sounds like

By: Dr. Mike Jones In Spiritual Protocol: A ministry of excellence, everyone is subject to someone, because Spiritual Protocol is an establishment of order as seen in the writing of Apostle Paul in Romans 13:1-7, "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers

By: Dr. Mike Jones Down through the annals of time when God’s people sought relief from the problems of life, they would immediately turn to the Psalms, because they reflect the experience of men and women in the life of faith. And Psalms has been crowned the most loved of all books of the Old Testament. We’re going to concentrate on Psalms 77 because Asaph [who was King David’s music director] faced the exact same problems that many of us are facing

By: Dr. Mike Jones In Matthew 22:14, Jesus said, “Many are called, but few are chosen.”  He wasn’t offering an opinion, but stating a fact. It’s true this scripture refers to salvation, but the principle of the verse also applies to the purpose God has called each of us to in our Christian service to Him.  One of our truly great bible scholars of the 2lst century said, “From the time a believer is first called by God to the purpose He

By: Dr. Mike Jones We just came out of an Economic down turn that started in 2008 and we’re still seeing effects of it until this day. Saints, when you think about it, recession, inflation and economic hard times have been with mankind since the beginning of time. The are not new conditions demanding new solutions. The biblical answers to these economic conditions first appear early in the book of Genesis. Let’s look at Genesis 26:1, “And there was a famine in

By: Dr. Mike Jones Keep in mind the highest calling of any believer is the challenge Jesus issued His disciples - COULD YOU NOT PRAY FOR ONE HOUR?  Since PRAYER is so POWERFUL, what is it?  Prayer is simply entering into agreement with the Word of God concerning what God has done for you through His Son, Jesus. What do I mean by ‘total dependency’ on God?  An excellent example can be found in Luke 11:1-4, “And it came to pass,

By: Dr. Mike Jones  The first step is actually to find out where they are in terms of their interest in accepting Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.  It’s very important to access the person’s interest, understanding and readiness so that you will be able to determine how to proceed.  Ask them the standard question, “So have you ever realized your need to make a commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ?” After you have engaged them in meaningful conversation,

By: Dr. Mike Jones Whether or not the counselee believes in God should be the first thing determined in the counseling session. Once it has been determined that the counselee is a believer, then secular counseling doesn’t enter the conversation. Many secular counselors are not believers, who turn to God for help with the various challenges in life that oftentimes cannot be resolved through human methods of reasoning. In this chapter, you will be introduced to three types of counseling offered world-wide,

By: Dr. Mike Jones Simple terms, Destiny is God’s purpose for your life.  It is your appointed future.  It’s what God has predetermined you to become. Let’s look at a few Old Testament people that started out right, on fire for God but ended up in ruin. God chose Saul to lead Israel out of bondage to the Philistines (See 1 Samuel 9:17) - God told Samuel “Take a good look, He’s the Man”. Samuel didn’t chose Saul - Nor did Israel (Samuel 9:17)